Legalize Cannabis
Legislating morality is so 1950’s. Let the people have their plants.
Marijuana has been studied extensively, and the benefits are innumerable. Here are some of the benefits that legalization could bring to our state:
- Tax revenue: States like Colorado have reported millions in income from marijuana sales, which could be used in Texas to fund public services, education or infrastructure.
- Job creation: The marijuana industry would create jobs in cultivation, retail, distribution and related sectors.
- Regulation for safety: Legal marijuana can be regulated for quality, ensuring that customers have access to safe, uncontaminated products.
- Medical benefits: Full legalization could expand on the limited medical use available now, potentially aiding those with conditions like epilepsy, chronic pain, PTSD and more.
- Reduction in opioid use: Some studies suggest that legal access to marijuana might decrease opioid use and related deaths by offering an alternative for pain management.
- Border security: Legalization could decrease the illicit marijuana trade across our southern border, reducing the influence of cartels and improving border security.