Why I'm running...

and why I'm running now.

My Story

I’m not your typical politician, in fact, I am not a politician at all. I’m a Texan, through and through, stepping up to fight for our future in the Texas State Legislature.

I believe in a government that truly embodies the principles of being of the people, by the people, and for the people. Right now, that’s not what we’re seeing in Austin. Our voices, our values, and our vision for Texas are being drowned out by representatives that are unresponsive, don’t answer emails and don’t respond to phone calls.

I want to help change that. It is my commitment to this community that we have true representation in Austin. I vow to listen to each and every person in our district and to let your voices me my guide, not the voice of a billionaire donor.

It’s time we reclaim our power, our voice, and our state. Join me in this mission to bring back a government that listens, represents, and fights for every Texan.